My foodie blog: Participation Required
Here are the other blogs I read with somewhat regularity...
The foodies...
Bakerella The site that first inspired my cake pop addiction.
La Tartine Gourmande A beautiful blog about gourmet food... with lots of pictures.
She Cooks, He Eats Lots of inspiration to be found here.
Taste Spotting A recipe paradise.
Vegan Dad Interesting vegan recipes.
The snarkies...
Heels in the Rain Has some rather interesting things to say.
Mommy Wants Vodka The most entertaining blog I've come across...but with a lot of swearing (you've been warned).
The Bloggess Gotta read about the metal chicken...
The Desperate Housemommy Has funny and entertaining posts.
The travelers...
Mr. & Ms. Adventure travel in Puerto Rico.
Nancy & Chuck - Retirement in Ecuador obviously covers the Ecuador scene...from the beach perspective.