Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Image courtesy of Dan /
You have to love the fall...

The scarves...

The shoes...

The cute jackets...

The soup...

The flowers...

The fog...

(Well, maybe it's just me who loves the fog.)

But I'm ready for it to get here already.  C'mon, crisp, cool weather.  I can't wait for the brisk mornings kissing my cheeks as I clutch a warm coffee in my hand.  Of course, the sun is always shining (after morning fog slowly burns off) in my oh-so-realistic imagination that paints my fall.  And, of course, I never get tired of hearty soups and potlucks in my head.


  1. Don't you live in Spokane now? Fall and winter means Grey mornings, Grey days, Grey sunsets.
    But it's cool that you've got a great imagination!

  2. No it does not Christopher!! That sounds more like Seattle most all of the year!! I really get annoyed when people dis negatively on Spokane when they are not here living in it, where it's NOT grey, grey, & grey!!

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