Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Etsy is a place synonymous with artsy.  It's a virtual marketplace, of practically anything you can dream up.  Handmade.  Customizable.  I love it.

Only one problem.

The items on the website cost money.  Erm.  For someone with lots of school debt and trying to afford a wedding, this is not desirable...

The solution?  Buy wedding related goodies!  Have a sneak peek at my Save the Dates... an affordable digital file from Ink and Fiddle that allows me to print as many or as few I would like... and they're unique and beautiful.  I received exactly what I wanted.  Plus, Nikki was awesome to work with.
On the other hand, my wedding palette is a bit on the strong side... being dark blue, bright green, and accents of purple... Can you guess the theme (presuming you're not one of the people I've told already)?


Hint:  It's something I wouldn't typically do...say, like, a year ago.  But I stumbled across a few feathers (yeah, me, the one who thinks feathers are gaudy) and they inspired me.
Feathers for my fowl theme
How about now?

Still no?

Hint:  Those feathers are not dyed... they're naturally that color.

Alright, alright, here, I give in:
Part of a gift I made
Now, if I bought everything peacock related that I would like from Etsy, I would be flat broke... and in more debt.  From headbands to dresses to invitation suites to wall decals...I would own it all.  So, I just lust after the beautiful items and do what any rational person would do...

Make it myself.

So far, I have a guestbook, gifts, pens, and centerpieces made.  Soon, I will have my invitations partially or wholly handmade, as well as bouquets and boutonnieres, favors, and a million other things I'm dying to create...like signs.  In Russian.*

Granted, not everything takes it's roots in the website...okay, most of it doesn't.  But they do have a lot of interesting items.  Not being able to afford the hand painted peacock wedding shoes or the $12 each invitation suites doesn't mean I can't create something just as beautiful, though.

(I guess being a bit artsy comes in handy every once in a while...)

*I just started taking Russian classes.  Hopefully I can write more elegantly than a russian 5-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. What are invitation suites? I'm impressed by all you have finished already, especially the pens, I'm a freak for pens! Do guests get them or wedding party members (say like my son)? I'm gonna have to check out the peacock wedding shoes that you can't afford--they must be somethin', huh?
    Keep up the blogging--enjoy it very much!!!


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