Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Music to move you

May I present Emin - not to be confused with Eminem, the white (wannabe black) rapper who sings about hate, killing, drugs...all that loveliness.  Oh no.  Emin has nothing in common with Eminem, other than he is male.  But Emin actually sings (good classy songs).  He's not bad to look at, either.

From Azerbaijan (not that I could find it on a map), this singer croons with a tone reminiscent of Chris Isaak and/or Elvis, depending on the song.  Of course it's the international versions of Chris Isaak and Elvis...would you expect anything less than world music from me?  But hey, give it a shot, click on the videos...He's singing in English, I promise!

Here we have my current favorite:  Don't Go.  It's not a true music video, just pictures...but the song is pretty.
It makes me sad that iTunes does not carry his music in the US store.  I mean, they have it in the UK store, but I'm not fully convinced I can switch stores just to buy the music.  Maybe I can?  Do you know a way?

I'd buy this song, too:  Wonder.  (Okay, okay, I'd buy them all.)
Top photo courtesy of the Official Emin site.  Go learn more about him!

1 comment:

  1. In general, I consider world music to be the traditional music or folk music of a culture. Pure and with ethnic specificity. Wouldn't your Azerbaijani Elvis/Chris Isaac be more of a sub genre of pop music, world beat or global fusion?


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